Thomas Massie Peddles "Secret Conspiracy"
Crossing GOP Base and Trump on Israel, Conservative Courts Creep Coalition
June 10, 2024
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Thomas Massie: Hounded by “AIPAC babysitters”

Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie revealed in a recent interview that Republican lawmakers all have their own handler from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. “It’s like your babysitter,” said Massie. “Your AIPAC babysitter who is always talking to you for AIPAC. They’re probably a constituent in your district, but they are, you know, firmly embedded in AIPAC.”

That sounds scary — a Washington lobby wrangling votes to win its policy preferences. What makes it even more suspicious is that even though AIPAC members across America are, as Massie explained, in touch with every GOP lawmaker, no one outside of the Beltway seems to know about it. “Why,” asks the congressman, “would [Republican House members] want to tell their constituents that they’ve basically got a buddy system with somebody who’s representing a foreign country? It doesn’t benefit the congressman for people to know that. So they’re not going to tell you that.”

Massie is understandably mad at AIPAC. The pro-Israel outfit backed his primary candidate largely because he’s against sending military aid to Israel. Good on Massie for voting his conscience, but that doesn’t change the fact he’s also voting against the Republican base and the leader of the party. Donald Trump says that Israel should have everything it needs to destroy Hamas, and quickly. If you’re a Republican and you want to cut off aid to Israel at present, you’re taking sides against the leader of your party.

Going against AIPAC, of course, is something else. Lots of senior Republican officials have challenged AIPAC of late because over the last few years it’s essentially become a Democratic Party shop. That wasn’t always the case.

Contrary to what anti-Israel conspiracy theorists say, AIPAC doesn’t drive US Middle East policy, US policymakers do. Insofar as AIPAC is powerful, it drafts on a relationship that was conceived to augment American power and is supported by the voting public.

With its victory in the October 1973 war, US officials began to see Israel as a pillar of America’s security architecture in the Middle East. Among other things, Israel helps stabilize the eastern Mediterranean. Imagine if Iran, through its proxies Hamas and Hezbollah, controlled the coastline giving it a choke point to extort shipping passing out of the Suez Canal.

We’re watching a version of that scenario play out in the Red Sea, where for half a year the Iran-backed Houthi rebels have been firing missiles at cargo ships, forcing big shipping firms to redirect traffic and disrupting the global supply chain. If the US wants to keep the Red Sea stable, it’s left to Washington to deploy resources to make it so.

At present, the Joe Biden administration prefers to appease Iran rather than protect shipping lanes crucial to American peace and prosperity. But thanks to Israel, that’s not an issue in the eastern Mediterranean. Paying allies to do work that advances your interest cuts costs in blood and treasure, which is why it has been a crucial instrument of foreign policy for thousands of years.

The fact is that AIPAC has lost several important fights in Washington, most recently, and most significantly, over Barack Obama’s 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran. Most Americans opposed legalizing the nuclear weapons program of a rogue state with American blood on its hands, so it’s hardly surprising that an organization advocating for the US-Israel relationship was against arming an obscurantist theocracy threatening to wipe the Jewish state off the map. Yet, as hard as AIPAC tried, the nuclear deal was Obama’s key foreign policy initiative and there was nothing AIPAC, nor pro-Israel US lawmakers, could do to stop it.

By realigning US interests with an Iranian terror state that embodies antisemitism, Obama’s nuclear deal also reconfigured the Democratic Party at the expense of pro-Israel centrists. Elevating Iran and its proxies privileged the progressive faction, Obama’s faction.

Over the last few days, we’ve seen what that looks like as pro-terror cadres have enjoyed free run of Washington, DC. There will be no consequences, no arrests for their vandalism and violence in the capital because their actions advance the causes of the progressive regime.

Thus, the Iran deal also shifted the Overton window on bipartisanship and weakened AIPAC, which Obama planned on. Since the pro-Israel lobby can generally count on Republican lawmakers to support Israel, AIPAC’s role in the post-Obama era is to lobby for the policies of the Democratic president, whether those are good for Israel or not, by getting Republicans on board.

For instance, AIPAC lobbied on behalf of the Biden administration’s foreign aid package even though the purpose of tying Israel aid to Ukraine funding was to poison Israel on the right. So, Sen. Ted Cruz went against AIPAC and pushed for a separate bill with only Israel funding. Not surprisingly, every Senate Democrat voted against Cruz’s bill. Somewhat surprisingly, AIPAC retaliated by halting fundraising efforts for him — the most pro-Israel legislator in Washington. Weird stuff, but that’s AIPAC after Obama.

The crucial point is that Cruz went against AIPAC, not Israel and not Trump. Given that the Democrats have spent the last eight years opposing the GOP leader on everything, opposing Israel aid is structurally a pro-Obama move.

Massie’s admirers would argue that the quirky, MIT-educated scientist isn’t pro-Obama but a real conservative who is always going to vote against sending money to any foreign power. Maybe so, but it’s not clear why an elected official entrusted with US national security deserves credit for failing to distinguish between funding for, say, Ukraine, fighting a proxy war on the border of a nuclear-armed power, and Israel, fighting anti-US terror organizations backed by the Islamic Republic of Iran.

There are solid America First reasons to vote against US military aid to Israel but refusing as a matter of principle to fund an ally who is shedding its own blood to do what Biden won’t and rescue American hostages is not one of them.  

Jacob Siegel and Liel Leibovitz wrote an important article for Tablet last July arguing why Israel should stop taking US aid. They reasoned that dependence on Washington might leave Jerusalem vulnerable should the White House condition aid to prevent Israel from advancing its interests. With Israel’s war in Gaza, Liel and Jake’s concerns have been realized as the Biden administration has withheld resupplies, slowed down military operations, and limited Israel’s efforts to re-establish deterrence after a massive Iranian missile and drone attack. Because tying the country’s security to the US may in time compromise its sovereignty, they argue that Israel, a much wealthier country now than it was half a century ago, can and must go it alone.

Freeing Israel from the constraints of a US administration that has been working for eight months to save Hamas is also in the US national interest. It may be different for the Obama faction, but most Americans, including Democrats, agree that it’s a good thing when anti-American terrorists are stopped.

And liberating Israel from US progressives is an effect of what may be the best conservative argument for opposing aid to Israel — to stop Democrats from using taxpayer money to build Democratic Party colonies abroad. Democrats have infiltrated Israel’s military establishment to such an extent that some in its top echelon are effectively clients, like former defense minister Benny Gantz. His decision to resign from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government was reportedly taken in consultation with the Biden White House for the purpose of collapsing the coalition in the middle of a war.

Because the Democrats see foreign policy simply as another venue to fight their domestic opponents, the best conservative case for stopping Israel aid is in essence to weaken the Obama faction by halting the march of progressive empire. It’s the same reason conservatives might want to block US aid to, say, Hungary, or El Salvador, or Argentina — to prevent progressives from using American money to exercise leverage on world leaders fighting to preserve their national sovereignty.

But containing globalism probably isn’t why Massie expresses alarm that the pro-Israel lobby of US Jews tasks members in his district, his constituents, to ask him to support the US-Israel relationship. Or does he also think it’s disconcerting that members of Christians United for Israel, the largest pro-Israel organization in the US, ask for meetings with Republican lawmakers when they visit Washington?

Massie, who has served in Congress since 2012, must understand that this is how all lobbies work. As a strong defender of the second amendment, Massie knows that the NRA and other pro-2A outfits urge members to call and write their Senators and Representatives imploring them to vote in line with the organizations' preferences.

AIPAC does the same, flooding the offices of Republican lawmakers with calls and letters from constituents petitioning their elected officials to support their cause. That’s normal in Washington. What’s not normal is framing it like a secret conspiracy.






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Biden’s Fake Debate Plan
Trump-Biden Showdown Won’t Be About Issues but Reality v Regime Fantasy

While we’re gearing up for Thursday evening’s match-up between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, it’s probably best to keep in mind that the debate will be about nothing. At least that’s the plan of the Biden campaign, and host network CNN, too. If reality intervenes, it will mark a huge setback for the candidate and the press and a stunning shock for perhaps nearly half the country, as its fantasy world crashes for all the world to see.  

The debate can’t be real, because none of the issues troubling our nation conform to the epistemological framework of our current reality as constructed by the regime and its media allies. The debate will look like a debate because it will take the form of one, with two speakers, a stage, and the moderators firing questions at the two speakers. The problem isn’t that the moderators will toss softballs to Biden while trying to grind down Trump. No, in fact, that’s Trump’s advantage going in. Two media elites ganging up on the man the establishment class has done their best to break is good for the Trump campaign. They’re probably wishing they could get Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, and Fani Willis to join the staged prime-time assault.

The issue is much more fundamental than that. The moderators can’t ask any real questions of either candidate without puncturing the fantasy that the media, with CNN playing a leading role, has created in open collaboration with the political apparatus floating Biden since the 2020 campaign.

Sure, the CNN moderators can frame voters’ serious concerns as debate questions, like on immigration, for instance:

Mr. Biden, the many undocumented Americans now looking for meaningful work throughout the country appear to be proof that, as you’ve long said, our immigration policy is broken. So how do you intend to fix it in your second term?

That would set up Biden for the answer he wants to give:

It would have been fixed in my first term if only the Republicans, led by my opponent here, weren’t being obstructionists and playing politics instead of showing concern for Americans, including our great undocumented Americans.

But that’s a fake answer because the question is fake. The immigration system is not “broken,” Biden just opened the borders, like he said he would on the 2020 campaign trail.

So, a real, and meaningful, question is something like:

Mr. Biden, how many illegal aliens will you usher across our border before you decide to close it? Do you have a number in mind, like 10 million, 15 million, 25 million? Or do you just intend to keep the borders open until you leave office?

But CNN’s moderators can’t ask a question like that because by covering for Biden’s open borders scheme at every turn, they and all the media are complicit. A genuine debate with real questions would in effect acknowledge that the press has helped corral Americans into an alternative reality at serious cost to the country and its people.  

Let’s start with the 2020 campaign:  

Mr. Biden, why did your political allies in the FBI and CIA go to such lengths to hide your son Hunter’s laptop from the American electorate in the 2020 election cycle?

And election night?

Mr. Trump, are you concerned that we’ll see a repeat of 2020 and ballot counting showing your large lead in swing states will again inexplicably shut down and re-start hours later showing your opponent in the lead?

 And as for first term accomplishments:

Mr. Biden, why has the Inflation Reduction Act had no effect reducing inflation, while transferring trillions of dollars to Democratic Party donors, clients, and China?

And to follow-up, Mr. President, are you punishing middle-class taxpayers that constitute your opponent’s base of support by eliminating the college loan debt owed by your base of support?

And surely one of the big questions for voters wondering why the commander-in-chief can’t finish sentences and often has to be physically guided from one spot to another by the First Lady or aides:

Mr. Biden, your obviously frail physical and mental condition has many voters wondering if you’re actually running the White House. Indeed, your former boss Barack Obama’s habit of conspicuously stepping in front of the cameras, gladhanding crowds, sometimes ignoring you, whenever the two of you are together has suggested to many he is claiming ownership of the presidency. So, who is in charge, you or the first former chief executive to stay in Washington, DC since Woodrow Wilson, who was confined to his quarters with a stroke?

But since the media can’t destroy the illusion they’ve built, the debate will invariably devolve into even more absurd fantasy:

Mr. Trump, will you commit to naming a Trans identifying or non-binary person to the Supreme Court should there be an opening during your second term? Same question for you, Mr. Biden.

Mr. Trump, former federal officials like ex-Deputy FBI Director, and CNN contractor, Andrew McCabe fear that you will use the Department of Justice to prosecute your enemies— will you? And Mr. Biden, what do you say about the prospects of your opponent using the DOJ to target political opponents?

Mr. Biden, in your opinion, what historical event was the biggest threat to our democracy — the Civil War, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, or January 6? And relatedly, Mr. Trump, will you take responsibility for the insurrection you led on January 6 that was the biggest threat to our democracy ever?

Even for the left it must seem at odds with their understanding of the world that there’s anything to debate. Are they not wondering why their candidate is honoring a Nazi, white Christian nationalist, and de facto leader of a domestic terror organization comprising half the country by according Trump the privileges normally reserved for candidates who didn’t collaborate with Vladimir Putin to win the 2016 race?

What’s strangest about this moment in our history is not that ruling party elites manufactured a fantasy world to advance their privilege and prestige, but that their sanity and the integrity of their souls requires them to sustain it.







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Will Biden Be Replaced?
How the Regime Gaslights America


“This did not happen in the sense of what people were saying they were seeing,” said White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre. What about the New York Post story about Obama guiding Biden offstage with photographs of Obama guiding Biden offstage? “This did not happen,” tweeted Obama advisor Eric Schulz.

It’s the Obama faction’s version of subliminal messaging — to allay the fears of Democratic Party donors worried that Biden doesn’t look like a winner, the 44th president is physically propping up the fraying mannequin who was once his former Vice President to demonstrate who is really running the show. And now forget you saw it and let’s get back to our regularly scheduled programming: Joe Biden is the incumbent, and he needs your money.

This mini-info-op, this gaslighting, should dispel ideas that Biden will eventually, certainly by the end of the Democratic National Convention, be replaced by a candidate who is less obviously no longer really alive. But it won’t. And that’s because we’re still bargaining with reality. But surely, we believe, there are pollsters and consultants warning party bosses that regardless of Trump’s negatives he can and is even likely to defeat an all but mummified Democrat.

In a normal time in American politics, that would be the case. But this is not a normal time, it appears rather to be the beginning of the epoch of a one-party regime.

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Who Runs the Regime?
The Obama Faction’s Shadow Presidency

Video from last night’s $30 million Hollywood fundraiser for Joe Biden shows the President being led off stage by his former boss, the 44th US President Barack Obama.

Some social media users seem astonished that by propping up Biden Obama appears to be openly enacting what many have suspected but only those typically called “conspiracy theorists” will say out loud: Biden is an avatar for a Shadow Presidency. It’s Obama who’s been calling the shots along.

Remember, this was a fundraiser thrown by celebrities, like Jimmy Kimmel, for celebrities  like Julia Roberts, George Clooney, and . No one likes a loser, especially in Hollywood where throwing money away on a box-office bomb can cost you your career and your prestige. The industry likes safe bets and the fact that Donald Trump is beating Biden in virtually every poll says backing the incumbent is a fool’s bet.

So, Obama made sure to put on a show to drive home an essential message: Fear not, friends, you’re not really being asked to fund an aging and increasingly feeble man who walks into walls, speaks to imaginary interlocutors, and can’t finish a sentence without gliding into gibberish. I’m supporting him, figuratively and literally, to show you what’s really happening behind the curtain. Your vote, your money, is earmarked for America’s #1 star, me, who is one of you, the able and agile political wizard you knowingly voted for twice and then a third time on the sly. It’s time to get behind Barack again, for your class — if not your country — is counting on you.

Obama might’ve chosen almost anyone to serve as his avatar, except maybe his first choice, Kamala Harris, who washed out with voters. But by choosing Biden, not only hobbled by cognitive disabilities but also riddled with corruption so profound that US intelligence agencies proved incapable of hiding it, Obama sent a larger message to all of the country: Americans must acclimate themselves to the fact that for the Obama Faction, “President” is a ceremonial role, a figurehead who enacts the policies and preferences of others with much greater and more consequential powers who are unseen and therefore unaccountable. And thus, given the Faction’s control over so many institutions — from media and Big Tech, to Wall Street and the intelligence services — you no longer have any real say over your country, community, or even your family.

With the end of sovereignty, begins the age of delirium. The campaign of demoralization is designed to desecrate and defile what you love most. The first defense, then, the first step toward victory, is by giving form to the chaos and naming things: Who is doing what on behalf of which causes, thanks to whose money. Thus, we’ll draw a map of the regime.




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